
For comfort and innovative living


The comprehensive WEB Platform enabling elderly people to enjoy their Stay@Home while under professional remote medical and physical supervision
“Active@Home is a very good example how to build further up upon an existing EU funded project (AgeWare, where SDA was involved) and provide a really beneficial for the society integrated solution, which enables a wide variety of dedicated and remote smart wellbeing services for elderly people. This solution answers the natural need of people to get preventative, personalised and proactive e-health services while remaining in their comfortable homes.”
Demand driven comprehensive solution

The Challenge

Recent years we witness the increased need for social distancing among physicians/ caregivers and patients/ caretakers, which has driven the demand for remote patient monitoring and telehealth solutions and the need for secure, accurate and timely exchange of patient/ caretaker data, including data related to nutrition and physical activities.

The Active@Home platform provides cross-domain Smart Health home-based personalised services used for prevention of and for regular treatment of chronic diseases, as well as – for personalised nutrition and activity recommender services. This allows people to remain in their comfortable home environment supported by their key stakeholders, rather than in hospices, nursing homes or hospitals.

Innovation addressing every aspect of the key features

Smart devices

Active@Home allows for the integration of a large variety of personal and smart home devices, so no information is missed.

Proactive behavior

Caretakers can proactively trigger events so they can get the needed support promptly and without any delay.

Personal daily schedule

No event is missed – all meetings are done, measurements are made, pills are taken and social events are joined.

Alerting system

The 3-level Advanced alerting system integrates an innovative approach so no event of any criticality is missed by the caregivers.

Safety zone

Leaving the Safety zone will trigger an immediate red alert so caregivers and relatives will be capable to react without any delay.

And more

Full GDPR compliance, Call center support, AI integration, Surveys functionality, Video conferencing and others.

Market driven approach

The Business Prospective

The market is booming for the constantly growing elderly population demanding business optimal remote patient monitoring and telehealth solutions answering the Covid-19 challenges for people staying isolated at home. The implemented model is fully GDPR compliant and extends and enriches the functionality with smart building solutions.

Active@Home supports the following business models:

  • B2B
  • B2C
  • B2E
  • B2B2C